3G’s to End the Year with Abundance

3 G’s to End the Year with Abundance

Words have power.


Spoken or unspoken. 

Kind or unkind.

The impact of a few words can be impactful for both the Giver and the Receiver.


I want to offer you the GIFT of 3 words and feelings to end your year with abundance: 





“Approval or kindness … that is freely given”

In today’s busy world, it can be easy to forget about grace. Without grace, the feelings that remain can create a perpetual hunger. This hunger can lead us to seek happiness in things that can harm us (alcohol, drugs, gambling, excessive spending, collecting stuff, etc.). It can also lead to a sense of loneliness if we disconnect from the more meaningful parts of the world:  Humanity, nature, and relationships.


“I told you so” or “Deal with it” are not given with grace.


Grace is a release from judgment and a choice for the Giver and the Receiver. It doesn’t really matter where you begin, the point is to begin. Here are a few small ways to start within yourself or towards others:


KINDNESS:  Offer help without being asked

FORGIVENESS:  Let go of past transgressions

UNDERSTANDING:  Recognize humanity, see beyond faults and find potential


The beautiful thing about GRACE is how it lingers and has the power to change yourself and others. Allow yourself the space to feel grace in order to give it freely and then see what happens when you begin again with grace.

Grace ripples out in small droplets. Unexpected people and moments remind us to give freely. The extension becomes the recipient. - Poetry stanza by Susan LePlae Miller


“A strong feeling of appreciation to someone or something”

Have you ever noticed the look on someone’s face when you say, ‘Thank You’?


Not the phony baloney obligatory thank you, but a real thank you that says, ‘I see and appreciate you’.


If you’ve ever worked in the food service industry, I think you know exactly what I mean.  It’s looking the person filling your water, or serving your food, in the eye and saying thank you.


It’s about noticing. When you notice people, in a positive way, it makes a difference.


Gratitude is an extension of grace that impacts both the Giver and the Receiver. The effects ripple through the emotional, physical, and social dimensions in each of us.


For the Giver:

  1. Enhanced Emotional Well-Being

  2. Improved Physical Health

  3. Better Relationships

  4. Increased Self-Worth

  5. Motivation for Generosity


For the Receiver:

  1. Improved Mood and Self-Esteem

  2. Stronger Social Bonds

  3. Encouragement to Give More

  4. Increased Happiness


If you don’t know where to begin, start with yourself. Do a quick inventory of your year (without judgement). What did you accomplish or learn?  Take a few minutes to celebrate how you’ve grown in the past 12 months.  Feel an abundance of gratitude for your own opportunities, then find the time to thank someone else (or many ‘someones’).

Gratitude reflects in multicolor. Vibrant and peaceful. Blooms surface at the opportunity. Renewing compassion. Transforming spirit. - Poetry stanza by Susan LePlae Miller


“A willingness to give help or support … more than is usual or expected”


How many phone calls or emails do you receive where someone is “pitching you something”?  If you buy this class, thing, or stuff your life or business will be better.


It can be exhausting. My first job out of college was as a Buyer at Motorola where I was “pitched” on a daily basis. So much so, that when I got home, I didn’t like talking on the phone at all.


It may feel harsh to say “No, thank you”, but it can also be a gift of generosity and respect to say it early in a conversation or effort.


COMMUNICATION is essential in any type of relationship. No matter what size your organization, partnership, team, family, or friend group is, it is important to build trust by creating a culture of generosity and communication to work through challenges, develop transition plans, and celebrate opportunities.


In my chapter of Culture Impact: Strategies to Create World-Changing Workplaces, I discuss CULTURE as an acronym, and the importance of communication as the foundational element for productive teams and human connection. 










“The team is valued as they are seen, heard, understood, and brought into a sense of inclusion and belonging missing from other experiences.”


Over the past 4+ years, I’ve been blessed to work with many values-based entrepreneurs and individuals in the Global Values Community (US Values Alliance and World Values Day Committee). I have learned so much from their wisdom, and they have reinforced the importance of living my mantra:


“Know your value, Live your values”


In this time, I’ve had the rare and awesome experience of working “Full Team Ahead” with colleagues at ShiftUp. Together, we’ve developed workshops and helped individuals and teams discover, embrace, and activate their mission, vision, and values.


My teammates (Eben Tobias Greene, Ipek Williamson, Jillian Ballas and I) had the honor and privilege of working together and being part of a new collaborative book (just published):

Be You More:  Know Your ValYous


Generosity is a million little things. May you experience an abundance of the grace, gratitude, and generosity that you give to others.

Generosity is a million little things


Some of my original poetry and artistic collaborations are posted here. New additions:



Photos from two health conferences, participation on the World Breast Alliance panel, and link to a 5-page article I wrote for Breast Cancer Wellness Magazine.

When each person is valued for who they actually are, they become part of something more.

In my last newsletter, Conference Success Secrets, I offered strategies to unlock the potential of your team’s conference experience. If you’re looking for personalized strategies or support to maximize your impact — I’m here to help you turn opportunities into actionable outcomes.


  1. Sign-up for my Monthly Newsletter (HERE)

  2. Team Workshops (HERE)

  3. 1-1 Business Consulting to actualize your goals (HERE)


May you always “Know your value, Live your values”.
