One of my first memories as a small child is of getting lost at a campsite. My cousins, siblings and I went to play at the playground, and being an independent child, I decided I didn’t want to play there anymore and would walk back to the campsite on my own without telling anyone. The playground was in the center of the campsite like a spider, and each path back was a completely different direction. I chose the wrong path, and ended up very far away. As day turned to night, eventually I got scared, and with tears in my eyes sought out a family who returned me to the office, who then returned me to my family.
This was my first real memory of asking for help. In hindsight, viewing it through a more realistic lens, the family probably saw me crying and found me rather than me asking. Our perception of things may not always be right, but the feelings and impressions we had at the time remain: stubborn, fear, needing help, kindness, relief, thankfulness.
Being the youngest of six kids with four brothers, I started out scrappy. If I got pushed down, it didn’t take long to brush the dirt off and come back stronger. Chin up, no fear. Even as adults, sometimes we get pushed down.
I started 2019 with the word HOPE. At some point the course changed and different challenges mounted, but hope remained. I made choices, and headed down an alternate path, but this time I told someone which direction I was headed and didn’t get lost. Once again, I encountered new people along the way and my direction has been revised. There are no coincidences, open to change, I listened intently. With an abundance of new connections and opportunities before me, I realize that change begets change.
“Just as repetition reinforces repetition, change begets change. I guess the truth is, we never really know what’s coming. Sometimes the only way to find out where you fit in is to step out of the routine. Because sometimes, where you really belong was waiting right around the corner all along.” Michael Burnham, Star Trek
While there are new people in my life, there are also people I’ve lost touch with, and others who remain. With each new opportunity placed before me, or those that withered away, I recognize every opportunity is not intended for me either. How I react to each of these encounters will determine the lens with which I will start this new decade. And if I listen to the feelings and impressions gathered along the way, I’m given additional clarity on how to move forward. Several steps closer to understanding my why.
Sometimes Hope is Disappointment getting pushed down on the playground. When she gets up, and she will get up again, she will be stronger and wiser for the opportunity to experience it. This is where Perception comes out to play. Fists up or a smile, you choose, but be ready for either. The choice can be simple, but don’t overthink it. The one who pushed you down, may have just been pushed down themselves. Or, they may just not realize it happened at all. Fists up, or smile? Battle, or empathy? Tune into Wisdom to know the difference.
2019 will soon flip over to 2020, it’s fitting to reflect back on my perception of things, and to compare those perceptions to the reality of what really was. What was my visual acuity? Are my memories in line with what happened? What did I learn? Did I help or hurt? In either case, I need to adjust my sight and carry forward the message of something greater than myself. I am enlightened by others, I see and value their contribution in life. My true network: We > Me.
Ultimately, I want to build and share this sense of community. We are not in this world alone, honor the gifts we each inherently have. Lean into who you are, allow yourself to change, and respect others.
“We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.” Max DePree
What lens are you wearing, is your vision 20/20, or is time to switch your line of sight?