Join us to celebrate HOW GRATITUDE is Magic!
The US Values Alliance (USVA) comes together to promote deep values work. This month we savored the value of GRATITUDE. USVA member Joanne Morton will led us through some positive practices and group activities. Friday, June 14, 2024.
9am Pacific
11am Central
12pm Eastern
Registration is closed
Save the date for our Additional Values events:
June 14, 2024: GRATITUDE
September 13, 2024: SUSTAINABILITY
October 11, 2024: EMPATHY
October 17, 2024: WORLD VALUES DAY
November 8, 2024: PEACE
Previous 2024 (USVA) Values Events:
Come as You Are - AUTHENTICITY: Word Cloud and Testimonials (February 9, 2024)
Spring into JOY: (April 12, 2024)